Dr. Stefan Scheiner 0676 301 30 93 Mag. Marlies Stubits, MBA MSc 0664 166 26 76 | Nibelungengasse 11/7 & Salztorgasse 9/7 1010 Vienna praxis@mediation-1010.at

Nice that you are here!
You are looking for
appreciation, empathy, confidence, experience and a strong motivation to resolve conflicts
you will find & get
a mediation process which provides more flexibility than a court proceedings, offers greater freedom and creates a lot of space for new thinking.
My professional career
My professional career
After completing my law studies, I soon worked in various companies where I worked as a managing director and partner. This diverse experience not only gave me a comprehensive understanding of business challenges, but also showed me how important effective communication and willingness to adopt a solution-oriented conflict culture are for the existence and success of a company. When dealing with shareholder structures, especially in the context of corporate decision-making processes, I have found that resolving differences of opinion through mediation is the most promising method for ending a conflict.
I have been married for over 35 years and father of two sons. The personal involvement in the controversies of the family situation strongly influenced my approach to mediation.
I firmly believe that a trusting atmosphere as well as open and appreciative communication are crucial to one's ownConscious of needs to be able to express and communicate them.Expressing and communicating these in the next step often represents the paradigm shift that enables the mediators to take an amicable path to a jointly defined goal.
The wonderful and uplifting feeling of having achieved something when you shake your counterpart's hand at the end of the mediation process, you definitely don't want to miss out.
+43 676 301 30 93