Dr. Stefan Scheiner 0676 301 30 93 Mag. Marlies Stubits, MBA MSc 0664 166 26 76 | Nibelungengasse 11/7 & Salztorgasse 9/7 1010 Vienna praxis@mediation-1010.at
End arguments, resolve conflicts!

We are your reliable mediators.
Conflicts are no longer resolved constructively and are escalating?
In the company or in the private environment?
If that’s the case, you’ve come to the right place!
We create sustainable solutions!
Book your initial consultation
We will answer all your questions.
A trusting and secure relationship with the mediators is essential for successful mediation. That is why we offer a discounted initial consultation .
It is important that all parties to the conflict are present at the initial meeting . We create a conflict analysis and determine the goal of the mediation .

Our goal is
to free you from the burden of your conflict.
We ensure appreciative communication, respect and fairness
during the entire mediation process.
We take your needs very seriously and ensure that you
achieve your goals and create ideal solutions for everyone involved..
In the premises of PRAXIS 1010
we provide you with a safe & protected setting.

We guarantee all clients
absolute confidentiality.
We actively promote diversity and tolerance & also
welcome people from the LGBTQIA+ community.

Satisfied clients
Family K.
“We had seemingly irresolvable inheritance disputes in our family after our father's death. Ms. Stubits supported us very empathetically and professionally in finding a solution with which everyone is now satisfied."
Natalie & Luke R.
"We were initially skeptical as to whether mediation was the right thing for us. But the Mediation 1010 team convinced us. We successfully dealt with our conflicts. Mediation was an eye opener in many areas. We learned again to talk to each other openly and appreciatively. The mediation has really benefited our partnership!"
John W.
“I am very satisfied with the support I received from Dr. Scheiner and can highly recommend him. His calm demeanor helped me a lot to successfully deal with a very difficult situation with my business partner, which otherwise would have ended in court.”